名称 | 描述 | 操作 |
Dendra2 | Monomeric photoswitchable green-to-red fluorescent protein from Dendronephthya. | 查看 |
dKeima570 | Dimeric Keima570 fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
dKeima-Red | Dimeric Keima-Red fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
Dronpa-Green1 | Monomeric photoswitchable Dronpa-Green1 fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
Dronpa-Green3 | Photoswitchable Dronpa-Green3 fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
DsRed1 | Wild-type Discosoma red fluorescent protein DsRed, humanized. | 查看 |
DsRed2 | Improved tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
DsRed-Express | Rapidly maturing tetrameric DsRed.T1 variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
DsRed-Express2 | Noncytotoxic tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
DsRed-Max | Noncytotoxic tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
DsRed-Monomer | Monomeric derivative of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
DsRed.T3 | Rapidly maturing tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
dTomato | Dimeric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
E2-Crimson | Far-red noncytotoxic tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
E2-Orange | Noncytotoxic tetrameric orange variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
E2-Red_Green | Noncytotoxic tetrameric dual-color red-and-green variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
EBFP | Enhanced blue variant of GFP with a Y66H mutation in the chromophore. | 查看 |
EBFP2 | Enhanced blue variant of GFP with improved brightness and photostability. | 查看 |
ECFP | Enhanced cyan fluorescent protein. | 查看 |
ecliptic pHluorin | GFP mutant that responds to a drop in pH with a gradual loss (eclipsing) of excitation at 475 nm, accompanied by a reduction of excitation at 395 nm. | 查看 |