

名称 描述 操作
Dendra2 Monomeric photoswitchable green-to-red fluorescent protein from Dendronephthya. 查看
dKeima570 Dimeric Keima570 fluorescent protein. 查看
dKeima-Red Dimeric Keima-Red fluorescent protein. 查看
Dronpa-Green1 Monomeric photoswitchable Dronpa-Green1 fluorescent protein. 查看
Dronpa-Green3 Photoswitchable Dronpa-Green3 fluorescent protein. 查看
DsRed1 Wild-type Discosoma red fluorescent protein DsRed, humanized. 查看
DsRed2 Improved tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
DsRed-Express Rapidly maturing tetrameric DsRed.T1 variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
DsRed-Express2 Noncytotoxic tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
DsRed-Max Noncytotoxic tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
DsRed-Monomer Monomeric derivative of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
DsRed.T3 Rapidly maturing tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
dTomato Dimeric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
E2-Crimson Far-red noncytotoxic tetrameric variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
E2-Orange Noncytotoxic tetrameric orange variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
E2-Red_Green Noncytotoxic tetrameric dual-color red-and-green variant of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
EBFP Enhanced blue variant of GFP with a Y66H mutation in the chromophore. 查看
EBFP2 Enhanced blue variant of GFP with improved brightness and photostability. 查看
ECFP Enhanced cyan fluorescent protein. 查看
ecliptic pHluorin GFP mutant that responds to a drop in pH with a gradual loss (eclipsing) of excitation at 475 nm, accompanied by a reduction of excitation at 395 nm. 查看