

名称 描述 操作
Kohinoor Fast-switching photoswitchable fluorescent protein useful for fluorescence nanoscopy. 查看
Kusabira-Orange Kusabira-Orange fluorescent protein. 查看
LanYFP Tetrameric yellow fluorescent protein from Branchiostoma lanceolatum, also known as blFP-Y3. 查看
LSSmKate1 mKate derivative with a large Stokes shift, suitable for two-photon microscopy. 查看
LSSmKate2 mKate derivative with a large Stokes shift, suitable for two-photon microscopy. 查看
LSSmOrange Monomeric orange fluorescent protein with a large Stokes shift, derived from mOrange. 查看
mAmetrine Yellow fluorescent protein with a large Stokes shift, excitable with violet light. Derived from EGFP. 查看
mAmetrine1.1 Yellow fluorescent protein with a large Stokes shift, excitable with violet light. Derived from EGFP. More photostable than the original mAmetrine. 查看
mApple Photostable monomeric derivative of DsRed. 查看
mAzami-Green Monomeric variant of Azami-Green fluorescent protein. 查看
mBaoJin Bright and photostable monomeric green fluorescent protein derived from StayGold. 查看
mCardinal Far-red fluorescent protein derived from mNeptune, with further red-shifted spectra. 查看
mCarmine Monomeric far-red fluorescent protein with favorable expression and pKa properties and with peak emission at 675 nm. 查看
mCerulean Enhanced monomeric variant of CFP. 查看
mCherry Monomeric derivative of DsRed fluorescent protein. 查看
mCherry2 Derivative of the monomeric red fluorescent protein mCherry. 查看
mCherry2C mCherry derivative in which the N- and C-termini have been modified to reduce cytotoxicity. 查看
mClavGR2 Monomeric photoconvertible green-to-red fluorescent protein derived from Clavularia cyan FP. 查看
mClover2 Monomeric derivative of the bright green-yellow fluorescent protein Clover. 查看
mClover3 Bright green-yellow monomeric fluorescent protein derived from mClover2, with improved photostability. 查看