

名称 描述 操作
pDrive Bacterial vector for UA cloning and expression of a PCR product. 查看
pDrive (linearized) Linearized bacterial vector with 3''-U overhangs for UA cloning and expression of a PCR product. 查看
pIX 3.0 Prokaryotic in vitro translation vector for cloning PCR products generated with the EasyXpress Linear Template Kit. 查看
pIX 4.0 Eukaryotic in vitro translation vector for cloning genes to be expressed using the EasyXpress Insect Kit. 查看
pQE-10 Bacterial vector for expressing N-terminally 6xHis-tagged proteins. For other reading frames, use pQE-9 or pQE-11. 查看
pQE-100 DoubleTag Bacterial vector for expressing proteins with an N-terminal 6xHis tag and a C-terminal Tag-100 tag. 查看
pQE-11 Bacterial vector for expressing N-terminally 6xHis-tagged proteins. For other reading frames, use pQE-9 or pQE-10. 查看
pQE-12 Bacterial vector for expressing C-terminally 6xHis-tagged proteins. See pQE-70 for an improved version of this vector. 查看
pQE-13 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins with an N-terminal 6xHis tag. For other reading frames after DHFR, using pQE-14 or pQE-15. 查看
pQE-14 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins with an N-terminal 6xHis tag. For other reading frames after DHFR, using pQE-13 or pQE-15. 查看
pQE-15 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins with an N-terminal 6xHis tag. For other reading frames after DHFR, using pQE-13 or pQE-14. 查看
pQE-16 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins with a C-terminal 6xHis tag. Similar to pQE-19 and pQE-22, but with a different reading frame after the DHFR. 查看
pQE-17 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins. Similar to pQE-18, but with a different reading frame after the DHFR. 查看
pQE-18 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins. Similar to pQE-17, but with a different reading frame after the DHFR. 查看
pQE-19 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins with a C-terminal 6xHis tag. Similar to pQE-16 and pQE-22, but with a different reading frame after the DHFR. 查看
pQE-22 Bacterial vector for expressing DHFR fusion proteins with a C-terminal 6xHis tag. Similar to pQE-16 and pQE-19, but with a different reading frame after the DHFR. 查看
pQE-3 Bacterial expression vector with a T5 promoter. For other reading frames, use pQE-4 or pQE-5. 查看
pQE-30 Bacterial vector for expressing N-terminally 6xHis-tagged proteins. For other reading frames, use pQE-31 or pQE-32. 查看
pQE-30 UA Bacterial expression and 6xHis-tagging vector for UA cloning of a PCR product. 查看
pQE-30 UA (linearized) Linearized bacterial expression and 6xHis-tagging vector with 3''-U overhangs for UA cloning of a PCR product. 查看