

名称 描述 操作
HBT-pcoCas9 Plasmid for transient expression of plant codon-optimized Cas9 in plant cells. Use together with pUC119-gRNA. 查看
hCas9 Mammalian vector with a G418 resistance marker for expressing human codon-optimized Cas9. 查看
hCas9_D10A Mammalian vector with a G418 resistance marker for expressing human codon-optimized Cas9 with the D10A nickase mutation. 查看
HcRed1 Far-red fluorescent variant of Heteractis crispa chromoprotein. 查看
hdKeima570 Humanized dimeric Keima570 fluorescent protein. 查看
hdKeima-Red Humanized dimeric Keima-Red fluorescent protein. 查看
hKikGR1 Humanized photoconvertible Kikume green-to-red fluorescent protein. 查看
hKO Humanized Kusabira-Orange fluorescent protein. 查看
hmAzami-Green Humanized monomeric Azami-Green fluorescent protein. 查看
hMGFP Monster Green® fluorescent protein (Monster GFP), a modified version of Montastrea cavernosa GFP. 查看
hmKeima8.5 Human codon-optimized monomeric red fluorescent protein with a large Stokes shift. 查看
hmKeima-Red Humanized monomeric Keima-Red fluorescent protein. 查看
hmKikGR1 Humanized monomeric photoconvertible Kikume green-to-red fluorescent protein. 查看
hmKO Humanized monomeric Kusabira-Orange fluorescent protein. 查看
hmKO2 Humanized monomeric Kusabira-Orange 2 fluorescent protein. 查看
hmMiCy1 Humanized monomeric Midoriishi-Cyan fluorescent protein. 查看
hmUkG1 Humanized monomeric variant of Umikinoko-Green fluorescent protein. 查看
hphMX6 hphMX6 selector module conferring hygromycin resistance, for gene disruption in yeast. 查看
hrGFP Humanized Renilla reniformis green fluorescent protein. 查看
HSV TK promoter Herpes simplex virus (HSV) thymidine kinase promoter. 查看