

名称 描述 操作
pIEx-8 Vector for high-level expression in insect cells of proteins with a cleavable N-terminal Strep-Tag® II plus a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx-8 Ek_LIC Insect cell vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC) to express proteins with an N-terminal Strep-Tag® II-enterokinase cassette and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx-8 Ek_LIC (linearized) Linearized insect cell vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC) to express proteins with an N-terminal Strep-Tag® II-enterokinase cassette and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx-9 Vector for high-level expression in insect cells of proteins with a cleavable N-terminal Strep-Tag® II plus a cleavable C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx-9 3C_LIC Insect cell vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC) to express proteins with an N-terminal Strep-Tag® II-HRV 3C cassette and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx-9 3C_LIC (linearized) Linearized insect cell vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC) to express proteins with an N-terminal Strep-Tag® II-HRV 3C cassette and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx Bac-1 Insect cell and baculovirus vector encoding a cleavable N-terminal Strep-Tag® II and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx Bac-1 Ek_LIC (linearized) Linearized insect cell and baculovirus vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC), encoding a cleavable N-terminal Strep-Tag® II and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx Bac-3 Insect cell and baculovirus vector encoding a cleavable N-terminal 10xHis tag and a cleavable C-terminal Strep-Tag® II. 查看
pIEx Bac-3 3C_LIC (linearized) Linearized insect cell and baculovirus vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC), encoding a cleavable N-terminal 10xHis tag and a cleavable C-terminal Strep-Tag® II. 查看
pIEx Bac-4 Insect cell and baculovirus vector encoding a cleavable N-terminal GST tag and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx Bac-4 Ek_LIC (linearized) Linearized insect cell and baculovirus vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC), encoding a cleavable N-terminal GST tag and a C-terminal 10xHis tag. 查看
pIEx Bac-5 Insect cell and baculovirus vector encoding a cleavable N-terminal GST tag and a cleavable C-terminal Strep-Tag® II. 查看
pIEx Bac-5 3C_LIC (linearized) Linearized insect cell and baculovirus vector for ligation-independent cloning (LIC), encoding a cleavable N-terminal GST tag and a cleavable C-terminal Strep-Tag® II. 查看
pI-secSUMOstar Insect cell vector for expression of secreted recombinant proteins with a cleavable 6xHis-SUMOstar tag. 查看
pI-SUMOstar Insect cell vector for expression of intracellular recombinant proteins with a cleavable 6xHis-SUMOstar tag. 查看
pIZT V5-His Insect cell vector with a GFP-Zeocin™ resistance fusion gene, for constitutive expression of proteins with an optional C-terminal V5-6xHis tag. 查看
pIZ V5-His Compact insect cell vector with a Zeocin™ resistance marker, for constitutive expression of proteins with an optional C-terminal V5-6xHis tag. 查看
pMelBac A Baculovirus transfer vector for expression and secretion of recombinant proteins. For other reading frames, use pMelBac B or pMelBac C. 查看
pMelBac B Baculovirus transfer vector for expression and secretion of recombinant proteins. For other reading frames, use pMelBac A or pMelBac C. 查看