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使用全外显子组测序(WES)检测HLA基因中的体细胞突变受到HLA基因座的高度多态性的阻碍。描述一种计算管道,其能够准确推断I类HLA-A,-B和-C基因的种系等位基因,并使用推断的等位基因作为参考随后检测这些基因中的突变。A:polysolver算法概要比对:Novoalign,基于IMGT数据库,加上2步基于贝叶斯的可能性计算B:与其他算法的性能比较总平均灵敏度达到97%,总平均精度为98.8%,平均总体准确度为97%,100%纯合子成功率。优于其他4种,与OptiType性能相当。(i)ethnicity detection using the normal sample;(ii) inference of HLA type by applying POLYSOLVER on the normal sample (although other highly accurate HLA typing tools could also be used);(iii) re-alignment of the HLA reads in both tumor and normal to the inferred HLA alleles while filtering out likely erroneous alignments (Online methods);(iv) application of standard tools to detect somatic mutations (MuTect and Strelka) by comparing the re-aligned tumor and normal HLA reads. 突出软件的性能优势 软件下载安装:https://github.com/jason-weirather/hla-polysolver测试命令(需肿瘤样本和正常样本):1.shell_call_hla_type test/test.bam Unknown 1 hg19 STDFQ 0 output(只做HLA,做这一步就可以)2.shell_call_hla_mutations_from_type test/test.bam test/test.tumor.bam output/winners.hla.txt hg19 STDFQ output3.shell_annotate_hla_mutations indiv outputOutput:winners.hla.txt: file containing the two inferred alleles for each of HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C简单总结:hla-polysolver相对optitype的分辨率高,但是准确率差一些文章补充:Benchmarking the HLA typing performance of Polysolver and Optitype in 50 Danish parental trioshttps://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-018-2239-6

文章来自:Comprehensive analysis of cancer-associated somatic mutations in class I HLA genes


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